June 29, 2010

I May Be Addicted

I just submitted "My Secret Sweetheart," a second story to Gia Portfolio, editor for True Experience magazine and True Romance magazine. I had a lot of fun writing it and if it sells, I'll make about $200. If I keep this up, I'll have the money to pay those hefty show choir fees. Woot!

Since I finished my first round of edits on Once Upon A Kiss, I wrote a thousand words for a new "True" story. I'm finding that part of the fun of writing these shorts is that, because you must write in first person, I'm getting to try on all these different voices. "A Gigolo of My Own" was told by an older woman. "My Secret Sweetheart" was about a young , principled schoolteacher. This new story features a cynical young woman who falls in love with a stuntman. I have no idea how it's going to end other than it being happy. But then, I never do. That's half the fun, discovering the plot as I go.


  1. Wow, I didn't know True Romance was still there. I used to write stuff for Modern Romance. Good Luck!

  2. As a matter of fact, there are 5 True magazines. I can't actually find them on the stands near me, though, so maybe that's why you thought they'd disappeared. :)
