Recently California had an election, intended to help solve the budget problem in our state. As usual, the airwaves were bombarded with ads. As usual, the ads ended with a litany of the organizations behind such and such position.
At one time, I paid attention to whom they listed. I respect firefighters, the police, nurses, teachers, and the PTA. I respect the professions and/or mission, to be more accurate. Their jobs are vital, important, difficult, and valued. At times, that respect colored my thoughts about whatever proposition they were endorsing. I would think, "If the firefighters think that Prop X is a good thing, then it must be."
However, I now think that is somewhat naive, like buying a certain brand of lipstick because the celebrity in the ad is beautiful.
I was a member of the California Teachers Association and the National Education Association. I don't recall ever being asked to give an opinion on what ballot measure I supported. Which makes me wonder, just how much the police, nurses, firefighters and parents and teachers really back this or that proposition.